The drainage system



A problem in Velachery

The open drainage located in Velachery, starting from the Velachery to Madipakkam bridge and ending at the turning of the 100ft road(~2.5 km), is very polluted and has not been cleaned for a long time causing the area to stink. People are further polluting it by throwing more wastes that clogs the drainage, thus making it less efficient during floods and rains.

screen-shot-2016-09-22-at-12-21-55-am screen-shot-2016-09-22-at-12-22-01-am

Picture time:

You will see:

• Polluted Water

• Plants still growing in polluted water

• No side walk makes it a nightmare for pedestrians .

• Gate/ Barrier that is supposed to provide protection is damaged and has no use now.

The recent floods


All these problems made the drainage system ineffective during the recent floods and caused problems to the inhabitants of Velachery.

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