Saturday, May 11, 2024
Waste Segregation

Waste Segregation

When we step out of our homes, the one thing we can’t fail to notice is waste being thrown everywhere. The fact is that, most of the waste we generate, like the biodegradable ones can be recycled. Many can be up-cycled into usable products. karthavyam students believe that a major transformation can happen when each one of us practice waste segregation. So, they have started two initiatives; Garbage school and KUPPE to educate people about waste segregation. This page contains the student stories on this issue. Mathew Jose of Paperman is one of the advisors for students to understand the problem of waste segregation in a deeper way.

Garbage – A very common problem

I started this activity , in the afternoon – about some time after I came back from school. I went around my community when...

Reducing plastic in public dustbins

“How to reduce the amount of plastic put in public dustbins?”. This is the problem statement I am working on. One Sunday evening, was when I...

How trash affects us


Careless garbage disposal

It was sunday evening my dad and i set out to walk as we walked i saw only one problem  which was a major one in...

Careless Garbage Disposal on the sides of roads and open plots

PROBLEM STATEMENT:  Garbage is carelessly dumped along the sides of the road and in open plots. The problem statement is “How to manage waste...

Disturbed by the garbage lying outside

Survey: My questions: Are you being disturbed by the garbage lying outside? Have you taken any steps for solving the issue? Can you name a...

Preventing animals from entering a Dump Yard

Problem Statement: How Can We Prevent Animals From Entering The Siruseri Dump Yard Describe the past scenario This dump yard was built around 20 years...

Burning plastic insulated Copper wires

This report is about SelvaKumar, a Kabadwala. I am Tara, a grade 8 HLCite and I live in DLF Gardencity, in the south of...

Indiscriminate disposal causes diseases

“Why do you want me to bring the phone?” questioned my mom! I replied “amma, we have a fun activity to do today. For that I...

Garbage On Roads- A Comprehensive Anaylysis

My problem is present all around India and maybe across the world too, and it must have been present for centuries now. During the...