Careless Garbage Disposal on the sides of roads and open plots



Garbage is carelessly dumped along the sides of the road and in open plots. The problem statement is “How to manage waste onto roads and other areas”. The aim is to increase awareness among the people and set up more bins to dispose waste effectively.




The location of the problem I have chosen is the road that connects Bollineni Hillside and OMR (Hillside Rd)


Name: M.Murugan
Background: Police Officer
Gender Male
Age: 48

screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-2-52-24-pmME: What do you feel about the waste disposal facilities in this area?

INTERVIEWEE: Every two or three days, the slum board cleans up the garbage and it is managed

ME: But there is a lot of garbage disposed on the sides of these roads. What do you feel about this?

INTERVIEWEE: The shops located on the sides of the roads dispose the waste. They tie up all the waste of the day into a huge sack and throw onto the side of the road during late night. They do this to save money on getting facilities for the disposal. Moreover, no official is concerned about it.

ME: In any ways are you affected by this problem?

INTERVIEWEE: I don’t think I am much affected by this problem.

ME: Since when do you think this problem existed?

INTERVIEWEE: I think this problem existed since five years.

ME: Do you think this problem can be solved? How do you it can be solved.

INTERVIEWEE: These shopkeepers should be fined or a nuisance/petty case should be kept on the shops. Instead of disposing waste properly, these shopkeepers throw the waste carelessly on the sides of the road.

ME: Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions.


Name: Hari Ramakrishna
Background: Security Guard
Gender: Male
Age: 53

screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-2-52-17-pm ME: What do you feel about the waste disposal facilities here?

INTERVIEWEE: I think it is quite well managed, there are garbage chutes in most of the buildings is Bollineni and it is well managed.

ME: But there is a lot of garbage being disposed on the sides of the roads outside Bollineni Hillside. What do you feel about this?

INTERVIEWEE: There are many slum areas outside Bollineni. They are responsible for disposing the waste on the sides of the roads.

ME: But don’t you feel even the drivers and people who pass by the road are also responsible for this?

INTERVIEWEE: Yes, even the public who are not residents are responsible for this careless form of waste disposal. Moreover the management authorities do not set up enough bins to dispose the waste.

ME: Do you think the management or the public is a reason for this?

INTERVIEWEE: I feel both the management as well as the public are equally responsible for this. ME: In any way, are you affected by this problem?

INTERVIEWEE: No, I am not affected by this problem.

ME: Do you think there is any way to solve this problem?

INTERVIEWEE: First, we can create awareness to stop this careless form of waste disposal. Otherwise, we have to fine the people who dispose the waste.

ME: Thank you for taking your time to answer the questions.


Name: Bhavesh
Background: Passer by
Gender: Male
Age: 39


ME: Some people deliberately throw garbage on the sides of the roads and in open plots. ..What do you feel about this?

INTERVIEWEE: I wouldn’t say deliberately, this mostly happens in underdeveloped places in Chennai. They do not have any proper facility to dispose their waste. They are not only the reason for this. The management authority does not set up bins in these regions. So people have no other option. This kind of waste disposal should not happen as I have seen many cows feeding on the plastic bags on the dump of waste. These can choke the animals, moreover, these animals will also produce contaminated milk.

However, I have seen many people also carelessly throwing waste on the road. These include drivers, passerbys to mention a few.

ME: Who would you say should be blamed for this? People or the management authority? INTERVIEWEE: Some people carelessly throw waste on the sides of the roads, the management isn’t setting up enough bins for people to throw waste into. So, I would say both.

ME: In any ways are you affected by this problem?

INTERVIEWEE: There are a lot of mosquitos and other insects around here. I believe this is caused by stagnant water and garbage disposed on an empty plot near my house.

ME: How do you think this problem can be solved?

INTERVIEWEE: First, government should set up bins especially in the underdeveloped regions. Bins can also be set up on the sides of the roads at regular intervals. But, how much ever the management authority tries, It is the people who have to bring the change. Improper garbage disposal was one of the main reasons for last year’s Chennai floods. Instead of cleaning before or after the floods, we can rather not throw waste at all. In fact, I have seen a picture on social media, a bin was in the middle and garbage was thrown around it and not into it. I think many people take this as a very minor issue. People should be first made aware of this form of waste disposal. Many small changes like these could lead to a big change.

ME: Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions.


Name: Shawwal
Background: Tailor
Gender: Male
Age: 43

screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-2-52-00-pmME: Who would you say should be blamed for this? People or the management authority?

INTERVIEWEE: The management authority is not collecting waste on daily basis. This makes the garbage bin overflow and this is the reason why people dump the waste near the bin. This dirties the whole place. However, some people dispose the waste carelessly on the sides of the road with the laziness of finding a bin.

ME: In any ways are you affected by this problem?

INTERVIEWEE: I wouldn’t say me only, but the people in my whole street will suffer. When there is stagnant water in the region where waste is disposed, insects like mosquitos breed. These pose a serious threat to us and can cause diseases like malaria, dengue fever etc. When waste is disposed like this carelessly, the whole street will stink and spoil our place of living.

ME: How do you think this problem can be solved?

INTERVIEWEE: Yes, people’s mind set is that this problem is a minor issue. Only when, this mind set changes, the problem can be solved. Firstly, the public should be made aware that this is a problem that affects the community as a whole. Next, the management authority should collect the waste on the daily basis. There needs to be a lot of changes to make this place litter free.

ME: Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions.
