The construction dilemmas


Statement: The construction dilemmas

Location: Near my house

Interview 1:

Name and age: Karthikeyan, 13, student and resident of building near construction

What do think about the noise pollution caused by construction?

“I don’t think it’s good because it’s unpleasant to hear”

Your opinion on the debris falling into compounds and hitting people?

“It is not nice, for both the building and the residents living there.”

How do you think they can be fixed?
“Give noise cancelling head phones to the residents, and prevent debris from falling down.”

Interview 2:

Name and age: Geetha, 45, Government tax official

What do think about the noise pollution caused by construction?

“The noise affects the surrounding people, mainly the infants, the sick and the elderly.”

Your opinion on the debris falling into compounds and hitting people?

“People are being cautious by using nets, but that is only for large scale projects, making it dangerous.”

How do you think they can be fixed?

“Educate the workers and implement safety measures by the management.

Interview 3:

Name and age: Gopika, 39, teacher

What do think about the noise pollution caused by construction?

“Especially, it gives a headache, and disturbs the elderly and sick.”

Your opinion on the debris falling into compounds and hitting people?

“The small children who walk by get affected by the dust particles that come in.”

How do you think they can be fixed?

“They can make eco-friendly homes which aren’t that big.”

Interview 4:

Name and age: Sivakumar, 59, Government Official of NLC (Neyveli Lignite Corporation)

What do think about the noise pollution caused by construction?

“To some extent, we will have to educate the builders about it since many multi floor buildings are made.”

Your opinion on the debris falling into compounds and hitting people?

“They leave the debris while they construct, so the client must go and ask them to clean it up and try to reduce production of debris.”

How do you think they can be fixed?

“Noise pollution can be solved by educating people to not overuse the horn while working. Debris can be prevented or produced by making out a plan and the dimensions of the building before they start the construction of the building.”