Unsafe driving on city roads


Problem statement- To educate people on Unsafe driving habits

This story takes place in and around TVH Ouranya Bay in Kazhipattur village ,Padur post, Kanchipuram district, OMR.


One day, as I was waiting for the school bus in front of my apartment, I happened to witness an incident occurring.

It was a cheerful but dewy morning.The weather was nice and calm and the flowers in the park were in bloom. It seemed like a perfectly beautiful,pleasant day. ButI was to be proven wrong. As i waited I saw a person on a bike leave my apartment building, whilst driving on the on the wrong side of the two way road.Well, that wasn’t right. Soon after I heard the screech of tyres and looked up ahead. A lady had been trying to cross the road when, the bike appeared on the wrong side of the road and almost rams into her. Then, when the lady and the biker are about to recover from the initial shock of the incident, a car runs into the scene, and stops itself just before crashing onto the lady and the biker. The driver of the car had been on the phone and hadn’t noticed the mishap in front of him. Thankfully, no one was hurt although no one reacted. The biker and the car driver just mumbled their apologies and went on their way. The passers-by stopped staring and continued on as though nothing had occurred.



This troubled me very much. “How can everyone be so ignorant and indifferent after what occurred? And how could someone break the rules so blatantly!? I think only if someone had gotten hurt, would people get up and take notice” I pondered. ”But since we can’t let that happen, we’ll have to think of another way for people to understand.”



Interviewee name-Preeta



Role she plays- One of the affected

Do you drive?


For how long have you been driving ?

For the past 5 months.

Do you enjoy driving?Why/why not?

No, not really.Actually I get really get tensed when I’m on the road, I have to look in all directions because a lot of people break rules these day and i have to be alert so that nothing will happen.

Can bad roads also be a cause for this?

No I don’t think so because i don’t go very far and the main roads are good.Only maybe like the smaller roads are bad.(Thalambur)

Have you seen people driving on the wrong side of the road? How does this affect you?

Yes. Many times.It affects me because I get even more tensed

Do you see a change in the roads since you began driving?

No.It’s only been a short duration so no.





Background-Working in Mahindra & Mahindra

Role he plays-One of the affected

Do you drive?


Do you enjoy driving? Do bad roads affect the quality of your drive?

Yes i do.Yes, very much.I don’t get to enjoy my rides like other times when i have to be careful while on those roads.

Have you seen people driving on the wrong side of the road? How does this affect you?

Yes,multiple times.It affects your driving and also puts you at a risk.Like at night when they flash their headlights at your eyes, you can’t really see well and you might get into an accident.

Do you see a change in the roads since you began driving?

Nope.Not at all


Name – Asif




Role he plays-Expert

What do you feel about the situation of the roads in Chennai?

They can be improved, can be maintained. People need to have civic sense on how to use the crossings,bridges,sidewalks etc.

What do you think is the cause of this?

People are not interested in following rules, have not been educated in the rules and regulations of the road.

How do you think that could change?

The rules and regulations can be taught at home, in schools.But mainly it has to come from within.




Background-Student of General Medicine

Role she plays-One of the affected

Do you drive?


For how long have you been driving?

Driving daily, for about 2-3 months.

Do you enjoy driving?Why/why not?

Yes.Because it makes you feel more independent.

Have you seen people driving on the wrong side of the road? What do you feel about this?

Yes.Sometimes.I think they do this to save time in the shorter run, but on the longer run, it can prove to be quite risky.

Do you see a change in the roads since you began driving?

Not much really.

Now that I have more information on this topic, I hope to form a group along with my peers and implement the ideas that I have collected in order to achieve success on my problem statement.
