Issues everywhere


Chettinadd Enclave

My Father and I entered the road in our area ‘Chettinadd Enclave’, the road was proper with trees as we maintained.


Maxworth Nagar

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In the neighbouring road Maxworth nagar, the roads were not proper and they have not set right the drainage properly. It was leaking in the middle of the road.

S Kulathur Road


In S Kulathur road, they did not put garbage in the bin they have put it outside the bin. Cow was sitting near the garbage.

Narayanapuram Lake

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The lake was good with trees. They have building besides the lake and lake has become small. We should not build houses in the lake areas.

Approach road to our Enclave

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This is the approaching road to our Enclave. The roads were not proper and they have put garbage beside the approach road to our Enclave. People do not properly put the garbage in the bin. There are rocks on the roads and we are unable to walk.

Neighbouring Flats


This is our neighbouring flats. They have not prepared the septic tank properly and the tank is leaking outside the house. It is bad for health. It is very un hygienic. Will have mosquitos and will become ill with fever and other infection.