Where is the pond?


I started walking in my neighborhood to search for social problems that might have an impact on the society. I decided to start my walk by taking right, where the road leads to the SIPCOT IT Park in Siruseri. After a few hundred meters I found that a pond was being packed with sand and mud so half of it was missing. The owner of the land had also decided to turn the pond into a garden, and then into an apartment, according to an advertisement nearby.

I have identified the problem here to be the pond being filled which would result in water staying on the roads in the event of a heavy rain. This pond had reduced the water on the roads during the Chennai floods.

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The mindsets required to solve this problem are: optimism and learn from failure because we need to be positive in convincing the land owner to stop filling that pond with sand and mud and we need to learn from failure because we know that floods in Chennai was caused when water bodies where filled up with sand and mud so there wasn’t any channel for the rain water to reach the sea.

I have decided to solve this social problem by approaching the land owner and persuade him to stop filling up the pond and talk to him about the impact this can have on the society.