A recce on managing waste thrown onto roads


Problem statement: how to manage waste being thrown onto roads and other areas.

LOCATION : Kalakshetra colony, Besant nagar.


As you can see, the thrash has been carelessly thrown and the bin is also filled to the brim.

screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-2-09-09-pmAnother problem to add is that the bin itself is poorly made and maintained as it has many holes where the garbage can fall out of. This issue didn’t have much history to it, so it wasn’t too difficult to investigate. But here are the answers of the people who I have interviewed.

Jayanthi Kannan

Aged 66 Female
One of the affected


1) Do you use these paths often?

Ans) Yes. I sometimes go on a morning walk as it is pretty quiet here on mornings and afternoons.

2) Does this garbage affect you ?

Ans) Yes definitely. The stench is unbearable while im walking and it’s really inconvenient because the road becomes narrower as I try to avoid the trash.

3)What do you feel about this issue?

Ans) It is our responsibility to maintain garbage on streets and roads. We keep complaining about it but I feel very sad that we intelligent people haven’t developed methods to keep our surrounding clean . We should not blame the government to do this for us. If every household takes up the responsibility to maintain the garbage disposal, we can have a cleaner environment.

4)Do you think it will lead to bigger problems?

Ans)YES. It will lead to many health problems and also the garbage pollutes the greenery. Many animals like dogs and cows even become sick by eating this.

5) What do you do when you come across a situation that involves this issue?

Ans)I would approach the garbage maintenance in charge if I am in a closed society, but I would contact the civic authorities if I was in a larger neighbourhood.

6)How difficult do you think it will be to solve this problem?

Ans) Very difficult. I think that only if every household rises up and be conscientious as a citizen of India, this problem will never be solved. We need to try and keep this country clean , as we do our own house.

Ramya Vasudevan
Professor in MGR Janaki college


1) Do you use these roads often?

Ans) Yes.

2) How does this problem affect you?

Ans)I have to drive to work and it is really inconvenient for my car to go through such narrow roads that are half taken up by the garbage.

3)What do you sense when you come across a garbage bin full of trash?

Ans) I sense the insensitivity of the people and I also feel they don’t have any civic sense as they don’t understand the general feelings of others.

4) What are you going to do when you come across this situation?

Ans)I hope I can get the number of the person in charge there, or the corporation, and tell them to clear it as soon as possible.

5)how much time do you think it will take to solve an issue like this, even in a minor location?

Ans)To solve this issue, it depends on the location and what kind of corporation facilities are there. Especially in rural areas, the facilities are very poor so it will take quite a lot of time to solve it, even in a small village.

6)Do you think this problem can ever be solved?

Ans)Yes, I have a very positive feeling about it. But it will take a lot of effort and time that has to be put in by both the corporation AND the common people.


Male – Defence of India.

1)Do you walk along these paths often? Ans) Yes. I go for a daily early morning walk.

2)What is the first thought you have when you come across a situation that involves this issue?

Ans) I think that the people don’t have any civic sense, just throwing in the garbage like that and not caring about it anymore.

3)Do you think it will lead to worse situations?

Ans) Yes. This problem will lead to a lot of health problems as diseases will spread very fast. If we don’t rectify this , we will each find ourselves fighting a virus of some sort.

4)How do you feel about the situation’s current state in the society?

Ans)I feel there is nothing encouraging about this issue in the society. There needs to be more education for the next generation on this problem and how to help solve it. People desperately need to be educated on how this big issue will affect the environment.

5)What are the main things needed for solving this issue ? Do you think it is a major goal for this country?

Ans)The solution needs things such as : responsibility, discipline, control, determination and much more. Such qualities are definitely needed for solving a gigantic problem like this in India. Yes, this is certainly one of the major goals for this country.We need to enforce some kind of rules or something to keep it steady.

So as you can see, all 3 interviewees were very much affected by this problem and definitely knew how we can solve it. So it looks a very simple task if you look at it a certain way. But there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.